Never Feel Under Pressure When Viewing Property Overseas

Never Feel Under Pressure When Viewing Property Overseas

Years ago if you visited an overseas property exhibition you would be approached by companies eager to offer you 2 or 3 nights of free accommodation, flights and a tour of the properties they were promoting.

In 2005 I was keen to investigate buying a property in Spain with my parents, so we visited an overseas property exhibition to gather information about areas and types of property available. We made it clear that we had no plans to visit Spain until we had completed further research. We didn’t want to waste the agents’ time until we had shortlisted our preferred area.

We left our contact details with a few companies that we had spoken to at the event, but one company called several times every week offering us a free “inspection trip”. After relentless calls, my Father who was very polite, eventually agreed to their offer after the lady on the phone said “What do you have to lose, come and have a few days in the sun”

We arrived in Spain looking forward to viewing villas and townhouses within our budget

The representative showed us several off-plan apartments, but none of the resale villas or townhouses that were advertised on their window display

After we’d viewed the small selection of apartments, an appointment was made for us to visit the office to discuss our thoughts on the properties we had viewed. On arrival, we were directed to a desk to discuss our finances with a mortgage advisor and asked which apartment we had decided to buy, although we hadn’t said we wanted to buy either of the apartments we’d viewed and made it clear we were keen to view resale or new villas during our visit.

It became obvious the company was determined to sell the off-plan apartments and had no intention of showing us any resale properties. The agent who had shown us the properties hovered in the background and looked quite angry after we explained to the financial advisor that we appreciated the time the representative had spent with us, but we were not interested in buying any of the off-plan apartments we had viewed. 

My Father who was not in the best of health, started to feel uncomfortable with the pressure, so at my request, we were eventually driven back to our accommodation

The following day we were driven to the office before we set off for the airport, needless to say, we were given more reasons to reconsider buying an off-plan apartment before we were driven to the airport with a rather subdued agent!

Thankfully, pressure selling is not as common as it once was, but, if you prefer to work with a professional who will listen to your specific requirements and act on your behalf until you find your ideal property consider the services of a buyer agent, here’s why

A buyer’s agent is contracted by the buyer to represent their interests, whereas, an estate agent is contracted by the property seller to represent their interests

An estate agent has a certain amount of properties to sell, but a buyer’s agent works independently and has access to unlimited properties for sale through their network of agents, lawyers and private sellers.

Ready to start your property search and receive details for properties that fit your personal requirements?

Let’s arrange a call so we can get to know what you’re looking for and how we can help you

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